The fear you may incur is that whether you cannot be able to sell them off immediately and since you may not have the time to take the product around and seeking for buyers. This is not a problem. Based on my own personal experience, I can assure you that you can easily sell off your product without you personally selling them. The company already had registered distributors in most cities of the world and you can easily sell them off through those established distributors by reducing your official retail price so that they can sell and make profit. They have some years of experience of marketing this product locally. This only applies if you live in one of those nations whose name appear on their website but if not then you can apply through me as your retail seller at a reduce cost.
To get contact with local distributors, all you need to do is to contact one of those distributors through whom you get the supplies. They can in return sell it for you at a reduced price you would offer to them. They have other dealers too demanding from them and sometimes they do get out of stock on certain products and would be around looking for others for supply locally pending when they have enough orders and make request for supply overseers.
They do hold their seminars in most cities. Your local distributors can advice you better on the dates, venues and time of their seminars so that you can interact with them and ask questions and establish contact by exchanging phone numbers. So that you can always call them to inquire about the product you have to offer and make a good bargain for the retails sales prices.
To you own advantage, so of those local distributors you may get in touch with in those seminars only have the local experience for resale in the local market but they do not have the experience to market it in the internet. So you have that skill to sell online and as well as recruiting other sales agents online and earning commissions both from the local distributors and those agents in different parts of the world online and earning commissions on all repeat orders they generate.
So take away fear and get registered as soon as possible and do contact me in all development!
I wish you good luck!
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